Your Y is thrilled to partner with Mix 94.5 to continue a decade-long tradition of encouraging movement, health and fun in Alton Baker Park every Wednesday evening throughout the summer: Walk It Off with the Morning Mix is now Walk It Off With the Y!
A $15,000 grant from Y-USA has given the Eugene Family YMCA the opportunity to partner with Homes for Good and Burrito Brigade to address food scarcity in the community.
Y staff Lisa Milton and Danielle Ragan have been selected to participate in an Undoing Racism Cohort with the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond. The intensive training starts this week and ends June 4. It is part of an...
Robb Holloway with KPNW interviewed Danielle Uhlhorn, the Y's Chief Development Officer, about a challenge by the John E. and Robin Jaqua Fund of Oregon Community Foundation that raised $4 million for the new Y.
The Eugene Family YMCA expresses its heartfelt appreciation for the completion of a challenge grant by the John E. and Robin Jaqua Fund of Oregon Community Foundation, which inspired 145 donors to raise a total of $4 million for the new Y.
A charity bike ride for cancer research that overnighted at your Y in 2019 has resulted in a series of professionally produced videos for those who have undergone cancer treatment. The bikers, students from the University of Texas at Austin,...
Listen as 3 moms explain in their own words how much the Y has meant to them during the global pandemic. It's stories like these that inspire the Y to continue the tradition of turning no one away for inability...
One year ago on Thursday, March 12, 2020, at 9:53 a.m., I sent an email to the Y's leaders asking to have a meeting to discuss our Y's response to the quickly escalating COVID-19 emergency.
2020 marked year of resilience, but only BECAUSE of YOU! When COVID-19 shuttered businesses for almost 3 months in the spring, generous donors and longtime members made sure that the Eugene Family YMCA could take on the critical need in...