Community-Based Programs

at the Eugene Family YMCA

Achieve meaningful connections and personal growth alongside your fellow community members! The Eugene Family YMCA offers a variety of community-based programs to cultivate community, promote healthy living and help individuals unlock their potential.

older women sit around a table in the Community Room at an Active Older Adults PotluckActive Older Adult Potluck
A monthly gathering with food and friends


Aging Discussion Group
Every other MONDAY


Y members speak in small groups in the Kalapuya Community RoomAlzheimer's Educational Series
First THURSDAY of every month (September through June)


group baking in the Y community kitchenDiabetes Game Plan
Monthly (series temporarily on pause)


basket of fresh vegetablesLifestyle Medicine Educational Series
A monthly cooking and nutrition class (February through June)


three Y members smiling after a fitness class New Member Orientations
Various times available each month


dollar billsOCCU Financial Literacy Classes
Free teen and adult classes this winter and spring!


Promoting CommUNITY
Twice-monthly series (February through November)

Smart Cycling with Cascadia Mobility
Teaching bicyling skills and building the confidence of riders


older woman poses with her dog in front of a walk it off signWalk It Off with the Y
Every WEDNESDAY in the summer


aerial picture of the entrance to the new Eugene YMCAY Tours
Various dates and times every week