Community-Based Programs
at the Eugene Family YMCA
Achieve meaningful connections and personal growth alongside your fellow community members! The Eugene Family YMCA offers a variety of community-based programs to cultivate community, promote healthy living and help individuals unlock their potential.
Active Older Adult Potluck
A monthly gathering with food and friends
Aging Discussion Group
Every other MONDAY
Alzheimer's Educational Series
First THURSDAY of every month (September through June)
Diabetes Game Plan
Monthly (series temporarily on pause)
Lifestyle Medicine Educational Series
A monthly cooking and nutrition class (February through June)
New Member Orientations
Various times available each month
OCCU Financial Literacy Classes
Free teen and adult classes this winter and spring!
Promoting CommUNITY
Twice-monthly series (February through November)
Smart Cycling with Cascadia Mobility
Teaching bicyling skills and building the confidence of riders
Walk It Off with the Y
Every WEDNESDAY in the summer
Y Tours
Various dates and times every week