Your Y is thrilled to partner with Mix 94.5 to continue a decade-long tradition of encouraging movement, health and fun in Alton Baker Park every Wednesday evening throughout the summer: Walk It Off with the Morning Mix is now Walk It Off With the Y!
RAFFLE PRIZES WILL BE ANNOUNCED on August 25, and there is still time to register!
- 2-night stay at Shilo Inns is perfect for a weekend getaway
- Inflatable stand up paddleboard for exploring the waterways across the Willamette Valley
- YMCA yoga package for building strength, flexibility, and zen
- YMCA get-healthy package for ensuring a robust fitness year
- Out and About package with gift cards to your favorite local restaurants and businesses
See you there: Alton Baker Park by the Shelters from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Wednesday August 25
Register HERE.
Alton Baker Park
100 Day Island Road,
Eugene, OR 97401
Event Details
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 5:30pm