Child Care Health Documents
In order to ensure our programs are safe for all youth, we require a Child Profile to be completed at registration. We may require additional documentation for some youth. Please take a look below if you may need to submit additional documents:
Medication Forms:
- Medication form - we require a copy for any youth that will be administered medication during program.
- Please print a copy and bring it to program with your youth's medication in the original container and marked with their name.
- Blank copies will also be available at your child care site.
- You do not need to email or fax medication forms to us. We will keep it on-site for our records.
If your youth has an IEP or 504 in school and it is related the HEALTH or BEHAVIOR, please request a copy from their school and send it to the contacts below.
The following documents, if applicable, are required and must be submitted before your youth attends:
- Custody documentation - If you have documentation related to individuals who are NOT allowed to pickup your youth from child care, restraining orders, or no contact, please send them to the contact provided below. If you have an individual who is to have NO CONTACT with your youth, please provide us with their name and a photograph, if possible.
- Allergy/Anaphylaxis/Medical Emergency Care Plans: If your youth is at risk for extreme allergy, anaphylaxis, or medical emergencies, please provide us with their care plan to the contacts provided below.
- Type 1 care plans - If your youth has type 1 diabetes, care plans will need to be addressed to the Eugene Family YMCA according to the program your youth is enrolled in. For example, "EUGENE FAMILY YMCA SUMMER CAMP" or "EUGENE FAMILY YMCA BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CARE". These documents need to be resubmitted to us every time your youth is enrolled in a new program (at the beginning of each summer and fall season). Please provide us with their care plan to the contacts provided below.
- Failure to submit required health documentation may result in your youth not being able to participate in program.
Please send the above documents to:
Confidential Fax: 541-343-3756
Illness Policy
Illness Policy
If your youth does not attend school (for sickness or other reasons) they may NOT attend YMCA programs. There are certain guidelines our center will follow to maintain our license with the State of Oregon and to try to prevent the spread of illness. We cannot admit or retain a youth who has one or more of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 101+ degrees F
- Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose, runny, watery or bloody stool per day)
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Severe cough
- Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes
- Draining eyes (pink eye, cold, sinus infection)
- Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping or pus-filled
- Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above
- Difficult breathing or abnormal wheezing
- Complaints of severe pain
- If a youth is notably tired and/or irritable and needing one-on-one care
If these symptoms arise, a family member will be contacted to pick-up the youth. Your youth may be sent home if any of the above symptoms appear during the day. You will be contacted to pick up your youth as soon as possible, no more than 60 minutes.
If your youth has had any of the above symptoms they cannot return to the center until they have been "symptom free" for at least 24 hours without the help of medications (48 hours for vomiting and diarrhea).
If a youth has mild symptoms, which do not impair their functioning, they can remain in the center and the family will be notified when they pick up their youth at the end of the day.
If youth have been exposed to a communicable disease within our programs, families of enrolled and incoming youth shall be notified. Youth diagnosed as having a communicable disease shall be excluded from the classroom. The exclusion time shall follow the Lane County Health Departments exclusion rules.
In the event youth are excluded from program monthly tuition will not be prorated.
Weather -Child Care / Youth Sports / Camps
PlayZone, KidZone, Creation Station, and Corner Hut
- 4J 2-Hour Delay: Youth Zones will open two hours late. Corner Hut and Creation Station will open at 10:00 a.m., pending staff availability.
- 4J Full-Day Closure: All Youth Wing programs are canceled. Exceptions may occur if staff can get to work and the building can open safely.
- Weekends: Programs will follow partner organizations’ guidance (e.g., Park & Rec, Willamalane).
Child Care Programs
- School Closures: Child care programs are canceled if 4J, Bethel, or South Lane Schools close.
- 2-Hour Delay:
- Rainbow and Friends programs will open at 10:00 a.m.
- School-age programs will offer after-school care only (no before-school care).
- School Breaks: The Youth Teen Family Director will decide on delays or closures by consulting similar programs (e.g., City of Eugene, Willamalane).
- During Programs: The Youth Teen Family Director will coordinate with school districts and similar programs for closure directions.
Youth Sports
- School Cancellations: If local schools cancel classes or activities, YMCA Youth Sports practices for that district are canceled.
- Weekend Games: Weather-related cancellations will be posted on the YMCA website or shared through local media.
- During Programs: The Youth Sports Director will coordinate with school districts for closure directions.
Communication during Weather and Emergency Closures:
- Listen for an announcement regarding your school and YMCA programs.
- Updates will be on social media, local news stations and Remini.
- Follow your school's emergency text messaging for school alerts.
No deductions or credits will be made for snow days or other emergencies resulting in YMCA program closings.
Airnow.gov is the tool we use to monitor air quality
When AQI is 100 or lower – programs run as scheduled.
When AQI is 101-150 –child care/camps will bring youth indoors or send programs to healthier AQI
When AQI is 101-150 – youth sports families decide to bring their youth to outdoor practice/clinic/game.
When AQI is 151 or higher – programs will not be participating in activities outside
When AQI is 201 or higher:
Programs will ensure that all programs can occur inside safely. If not, all programs will be canceled, and programs will follow the Closing Program Procedures.
Notification for Participants
- If air quality is a concern, we will send families a Remini message by 6:30 am to inform them if camps will run as planned or not.
- If we need to adjust the camp schedules due to heat or other factors, we will send another Remini message by 9:30 am with the new schedule.
- If anything changes during the day, we will notify families as soon as possible via Remini with the relevant information.
Programs operating during the school year or at a school facility will follow the school district guidelines. No deductions or credits will be made for weather events resulting in YMCA program closings.
Follow the school district's policies and procedures for Outdoor activities and air quality, based on the location the program is taking place. Temperatures exceeding 94 degrees will be considered excessive heat ranges.
On days forecasted for afternoon temperatures to exceed 94 degrees, move outside activity early in the morning and allow frequent breaks if outside activity is necessary during excessive heat ranges.
- Ensure youth and staff have:
- Access to water
- Access to shade
- Adequate rest time between physical activities
- Monitor for dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke
- Oregon Health Authority : Extreme Heat : Get Prepared : State of Oregon
There may be times when, due to extreme heat, we may have to close camps or other programs. No deductions or credits will be made for weather emergencies resulting in YMCA program closings.
THUNDER AND LIGHTNING - outdoor activities
When thunder is heard or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the leading edge of the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.
Suspend outdoor play for at least 30 minutes and vacate the outdoor activity to a designated safer location immediately.
Any subsequent thunder or lightning* after the beginning of the 30-minute count will reset the clock and another 30-minute count should begin.
Youth Protection
As an organization that serves thousands of youth every year, the Y’s most important work is creating safe environments for all. Ensuring the safety and well-being of youth is foundational to helping youth learn, grow and thrive.
Click here to learn more about our commitment to youth protection.
Youth Sports Closures
- When the school districts cancel classes and/or after school activities due to weather, all YMCA Youth Sports practices are canceled for that day for the respective district and its facilities.
- Each school district's school closure and activity cancellation status may be found on their respective school websites and social media.
- If weather forces a cancellation of weekend games, notice can be found at www.eugeneymca.org, social media and emails from the Youth Development Programs.
THUNDER AND LIGHTNING - outdoor activities
When thunder is heard or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen, the leading edge of the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.
Suspend outdoor play for at least 30 minutes and vacate the outdoor activity to a designated safer location immediately.
Any subsequent thunder or lightning* after the beginning of the 30-minute count will reset the clock and another 30-minute count should begin.
YMCA and Lane County Immunization Rates
The Eugene Family YMCA displays both county and program-specific immunization rates in accordance with ORS 433.269 and OAR 333-050-0110. They are as follows:
YMCA Facility Closure
For the safety of our members and staff, we may choose to close our facility at 600 E. 24th Ave. in the event in inclement weather.
Notification of a facility closure will be announced on our Website, Facebook Page and Mobile App.